Small Talk: How to Answer This One Extremely Important Question

"What do you do?" is a common question here is a script you can use to effectively answer it.


How many times have you been at an event and had someone ask you this dreaded question:

So, what do you do?

For a lot of people, this question seems like simple small talk.

In reality, this question is a huge opportunity for you to help build your business.

Watch this video to learn all about out a simple, research-backed[1] formula to how you should answer this common question along with fun insights for you to help grow your business.

The dreaded “So, what do you do?” question isn't just boring small talk. You should use it to grow your business. (click to tweet)

I (what you do) for (who you serve) so that they can (master, overcome, defeat) their (struggling point) to gain (a huge benefit).

Now, I've got homework for you...

Step 1: Use the formula presented in the video to create a simple script that you can use in social situations to help you communicate what you do, who you serve, and the results you get.

Step 2: Post your script in the comments below.

Bonus: Practice your script with the next person you meet and report back with your results.

To your success,

Nick ReeseNick Reese Signature

Reference List:

  1. 1973, Granovetter, The Strength of Weak Ties ^
Published: 2013-07-17